As I was sitting at work today and waiting for queries to run, I was checking Twitter a lot and really started thinking about how 2010 started, and ended. Things seemed to start fairly well. It appeared that they would have a healthcare bill in a short amount of time, and some of the moves being put in place to avoid a serious depression seemed to be working.
Then, all hell broke loose. Boehner, McConnell, and company started the hate campaign, and the next thing you know there are political idiots like Ron Johnson, Scott Walker, and Sean Duffy running for different political offices in Wisconsin. Just as in 2004 when I figured this country couldn't be stupid enough to re-elect George Bush\Dick Cheney, somehow stupidity reared it's ugly head in Wisconsin and they elected 3 morons, none of whom really stated to the public exactly how they were going to do things, only that it wasn't going to be business as usual. And, first thing Scott Walker does, is business as usual.
Next, through some researching on my part, I started to learn more about the Bilderberg group, 9/11, and the move to create a police state and eliminate as many of our rights and freedoms as possible. What is truly scary is that a lot of what I've read in the past 6 months about what the plans are for the Bilderberg groups and the Illuminati, is starting to all fall in to place. The latest crap with the TSA, and how they're pretty much doing whatever it is they want, along with the banking industry and the lack of any regulations put in place to prevent what happened, the shit with the Federal Reserve, and you've got yourself a pretty scary situation taking place.
We've got a society who can't seem to see the evidence right in front of them. They can't see how those in power are keeping the focus off of their activities and the hatred they are trying to instill. I can only hope that as I help to spread the knowledge that I have gained and continue to gain, that others will start to see the light as I have.
One can only hope.
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