It seems apparent that the religious reich is hell bent on opening up the constitution to rewrite it. Many seem to scoff at this, and play it off as a pipe dream of the right. Let's not forget, we scoffed at the thought of Trump getting in the White House as well. We need to be aware that with all the pieces in place now, from gerrymandered states, to the Federalist cult members on the Supreme Court, they will stop at nothing to turn this country in to the "Christian Nation" they all profess us to be.
Imagine being told that you can no longer do what you want on a Sunday, and that you must attend church...their church. If you think I'm blowing smoke, consider this. My friend who grew up on Afghanistan during the first insurgence of the Taliban sees so many striking similarities to what we are witnessing in this country today. From trying push prayer in schools, to the misogyny, to the nationalist movement. The curbing of free speech that we've seen so far, is but a small piece of what's to come should they succeed at rewriting the constitution.
Call me an alarmist if you must, but when you see the number of states calling for a constitutional convention continue to rise, the gerrymandering of states that gives the minority party control, and they push to shift laws and responsibilities for enforcing those laws to the states. I don't think it's being an alarmist. It's being real. If we don't stop this slow creep towards fascism and authoritarianism, the momentum will be hard to stop, let alone turn back.
Women have lost more rights in the past decade than they gained in the first 225 years of this nation. People of color are losing rights that took over 200 years to gain, and now we're are seeing Christianity being pushed to eventually be forced upon us. Todays Police State is nothing like what we could see in a decade. Police are becoming more and more the army of the rich and powerful, and less of those who are here to "Protect and Serve". History shows us, this is how other democracies have fallen, and if we don't wake up to what is taking place, we will all find ourselves in the same boat with no way to undo what will be brought upon us.
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