It is truly amazing the number of rich, white, inheritance babies who think and pretend to have garnered all of their wealth and status through hard work. From the former President, to people like we see running for office or in office, so many of whom are Republican. Why is that? I even have known people for decades who came from money, and yet seem to feel they have worked so hard to get where they are.
The examples I will use are those whom I know the most about, primarily because they're from my home state. Let's start with Donald J. Trump. This clown was handed so much wealth, that had he invested in just savings bonds, he would be far richer than he is today. But, because he was handed millions of dollars from his Dad who built everything, he was able to piss it all away, and never was called out for being anything but a self-made man.
Paul Ryan. Here's another shining example of a rich kid who was handed it all. His Dad built a business, and he rode the coattails pretending like he was a self-made man who did everything on his own. A man who, because his Daddy died while he was still a kid, was allowed a free ride through college thanks to the Social Security system. Imagine that, someone who benefitted from such a great system, wanting to destroy it so others couldn't get what he felt he so rightly deserved.
Next up? Good old Ron Johnson. Now this one is especially mind boggling to see first how he was ever able to get elected in to office. He had no platform, other than his mangled speech about how bad Feingold was. This guy was handed a business where the main customer was his own Father-in-law, and who was more than 70% of their business. He used prison labor at the cost of $2 per hour, with no benefits. Seriously, how could a business like that fail? And yet somehow Ron Johnson tries to feign being some great business man. If it wasn't for his Father-in-law making sure that his daughter had a decent life, Ron Johnson would still be bussing tables.
Let's talk about Tim Michels next. Here's a guy who is running for Governor of Wisconsin, and tries to think of himself as a self-made man, not credited Mommy and Daddy for building a business so large, that it allows Mr. Michels to have houses in numerous states across the country. And here is a guy who is quite the idiot savant, trying to pretend he is some great sort of businessman who created all of this on his own.
Now take any of these people mentioned above, and remove all of their wealth and connections, and have them start at the age of 18 and see just how far they would get. I'll guarantee you, not one of them would've been anything more than an average person of average means and wealth. It's time to get rid of the inherited wealth that so many of these people walk in to. If they are so great at what they do, they would agree, and truly believe in the "American Dream" of getting rich on their own backs, instead of the sweat and blood for their parents.
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